What is Xbox 360

 The Xbox 360 is a gaming device produced by Microsoft that has developed it in partnership with the leading company in electronic devices such as computers and game systems, IBM, as well as some other companies such as ITI and SIS.

The Xbox 360 system came with new and developed technologies that rivaled the existing PlayStation systems. The network of this device, which allows players to play and compete collectively, made it the best in terms of high-quality technical and entertainment capabilities. For reference, the emergence of the Xbox 360 was in 2005 in the American market, after which it began to spread little by little in the rest of the world, and it met with success and great approval from its users.

1- Hardware 360 ​​Xbox

In the following, we will learn about the hardware and the features of this device, and of course we will focus on the central processing unit of both types, i.e. the main processor, graphics processor or graphics and last memory or what is called as the random access memory.

- Main CPU (processor)

The processor is three cores with a speed and frequency of up to 3.2 GHz, and of course this speed, which is 3.2, is acceptable in gaming systems.

Graphics CPU (GPU)

As for the graphics processor, it is good in this device and allows the image to be displayed uniquely and clearly.


The RAM (random access memory) is one of the most important criteria that gives any device a strength in terms of performance, so that the bigger it is, the better the device’s performance. As for the Xbox 360, which we are about to talk about, it has a memory of 512 MB at a speed and frequency of approximately 750 MHz per second. The memory capacity is somewhat small, but it is acceptable in gaming systems. It should be noted that this device has a hard disk inside it with a storage space of 20 GHz, with the love of the type of release and can be extended if necessary, in addition to its availability on the HDMI port for modern devices.

2- Xbox 360 types and versions

x box

There are multiple types and versions in this device, including the following:

- The X-Box 360 Arcade

Xbox One X-Box 360 Premium

X-Box 360 S

X-Box 360 Pro

The X-Box 360 Elite

X-Box 360 E

For reference, this latest type (X-Box 360 E) is one of the most powerful Xbox systems released due to its strong advantage, as it has 4 gigabytes of RAM in addition to a large hard disk with a capacity of 250 GB.

3- The device's box contents.

Of course, you may find a slight change in the contents of the Xbox 360 box while buying it, review the type of version, but most often you will find the following with an increase or decrease for some versions:

- The X-Box 360 itself

- AV cable (red wire, white wire and yellow wire) for old devices and HDMI cable for newer systems.

- Electricity transformer value of 200 to 240 volts

Memory or memory of 256 MB

- Wireless manit

Wireless manit