All about 2N4401 NPN Transistor

2N4401 NPN transistor

The 2N4401 NPN transistor is a generally used element in different operations. It's available in a small package with some veritably excellent features. This typs of NPN Mosfet or transistor is designed to be used exactly like a switch and power amplifier. This transistor includes three layers like N, P & N and three outstations like emitter, base, and collector. In this NPN transistor, the P- unravel subcaste is arranged between two N- unravel layers. 

What's 2N4401 NPN Transistor? 

2N4401 NPN is called a BJT transistor (BJT) because the conduction of this 2N4401 NPN transistor may be done through both charges . 

2N4401 NPN Transistor 

In this transistor, the large current at the emitter outstation is controlled through the small current at the base outstation. In this transistor, the two N-layers signify the two outstations like emitter and collector whereas P- subcaste signifies the base terminal independently. So this 2N4401 NPN Transistor is known controller device in terms of current. 

In this transistor, the base outstation is positive as compared to the emitter outstation. Once a positive voltage is handed at the base outstation of this transistor, the transistor will be poisoned & allows the inflow of current from the emitter terminal to the collector outstation. Then, the emitter outstation generates the electrons. After that, the collector and base outstations will control the number of electrons. 

2N4401 NPN Configuration 

2N4401 NPN transistor circuit diagram

The leg configuration of the 2N4401 NPN transistor includes the following. This transistor includes three outstations where each terminal and its purpose are bandied below. 

2N4401 Transistor Leg Configuration 

Pin1 (Emitter) This outstation is connected to GND typically and by using this terminal, the inflow of current will drain out. 

Pin2 ( Base) This outstation is used to control the transistor turning by turn ON/ OFF the transistor 

Pin3 (Collector) This outstation is connected to load where the current inventories throughout this terminal. 

Features & Specifications 

The Transistor family is NPN 

Majority charge carriers are electrons 

Nonage charge carriers are holes 

Includes three layers (N, P & N) & three outstations (E, B & C) 

It's a general- purpose transistor 

Collector current of IC is 500mA 

Collector emitter voltage (VCE) is 40 V 

Collector base voltage (VCB) is 60 V 

The frequence of transition is 100 MHz 

The available package is To-92 

Operating temperature ranges from>-55 C< 150 C 

Fellow 2N4401 transistors are 2N3904 and 2N22A. Indispensable 2N4401 transistors are BC636, BC547, BC549, BC639, 2N3055, 2N3906, 2N2369, 2N3904, 2N551 & 2SC5200. 

How to use 2N4401 NPN Transistor? 

The 2N4401 NPN transistor is available in three configurations substantially CE ( common-emitter), CB ( common base), and CC ( common collector). Then the voltage force at the collector outstation is maximum as compared to the voltage at the base outstation. 

The CE configuration is used for modification purposes substantially as it generates the necessary voltage as well as gain of power. This configuration assists in enhancing the input signal through 20dB which is nearly 100 times above the input signal. 

The combination of current at the base & collector outstations is equal to the current at the emitter outstation. Then, the isolation of two outstations like emitter & collector can be done grounded on their doping attention & size. Then, the emitter outstation is unravel largely whereas the collector outstation is unravel smoothly. 

In this transistor, the gain of forward current is represented with beta (β) and is a bit between collector current (IC) & base current (IB). then, this‘β’is called an modification factor and its value ranges from 20 to 1000 still its typical value is 200. 

The gain of current for this transistor can be specified through nascence (α) and it's a bit between collector current (IC) emitter current (IE). Then, the value of Nascence substantially ranges from0.95 to0.99 but in utmost of the operations, its typical value is considered as a concinnity. 

The simple operation circuit of the 2N4401 NPN transistor is a humidity detector switch which is shown below. This is a simple humidity detector circuit, used to switch outfit on a fixed range of humidity content within different substances like wood, soil, factory,etc. 

The needed factors to make this humidity detector circuit are; DC force 6V, two examinations, 6V relay, 1N4007 diode, 2N4401 NPN transistor & 300k variable resistor. 

Humidity Detector Switch with 2N4401 Transistor 

In this circuit, the humidity can be detected from the substance using two examinations. The circuit can be acclimated by using a variable resistor to spark the relay on your preferred humidity range. A transistor works like a switch for the relay, so we can connect any cargo using the relay to control through this circuit. 

This circuit working is veritably simple due to smaller factors used. Once the two examinations in this circuit descry the humidity of the substance also it allows the voltage force throughout it to spark the transistor so that the relay will be actuated. So the cargo which is connected to the relay will be actuated incontinently. This circuit operates with 6V/ 12V and the relay within this circuit must have a analogous value to the input voltage. 

2N4401 Transistor Operations and apps

The 2N4401 NPN BJT is original to the 2N2222 NPN transistor. This transistor is generally used in different operations but the main difference between the 2N4401 & 2N222 transistors are; 2N4401 transistor allows current at collector terminal upto 500mA & it has 652mW of power dispersion. So it's applicable in medium loads as compared to 2N2222. 

So this NPN transistor is used to switch different loads or used for modification. In several operations, the 2N4401 transistor performs like a switch. Once voltage force is handed at the base terminal also the transistor will get prejudiced and works as an ON switch. Also, when there's no voltage force at the base terminal also the transistor works like an OFF switch. 

Some of the operations of 2N4401 NPN Transistor substantially includes the following 


Rectifier circuits 

Detector Circuits 

 Inverter circuits 

 Stages of Audio Amplifier 

 It's used in different switching operations. 

 Used to monitor Motors speed

 RF circuits below 250 MHz 

 Darlington transistor 

Therefore, this is each about an overview of the 2N4401 transistor datasheet which includes its leg configuration, specifications, circuit working, and its operations. The major difference between PNP & NPN transistors is the maturity of charge carriers. The maturity of charge carriers in NPN are electrons whereas, in PNP maturity of charge carriers are holes. As compared to PNP, utmost of the manufacturers use NPN transistors due to conduction carried out through the electrons mobility is superior. Then's a question for you, what's a bipolar junction transistor? 
