Hard Disk Drive Study | SSHD, SSD, HDD Complete course

What is a hard disk ?, What is the difference between an SSD and an HDD ?and what is an ssd and what are its advantages ?, the prices of the hard disk ssd, the best ssd hard disk and other points is what we will cover today, God willing, in this article, which I guarantee you my loved ones that you will benefit from it In a very large way, because it will contain the vast amount of information regarding the difference between an SSD hard disk, an HDD hard disk, and also an SSD hard disk, or the so-called hybrid.

Course Titles:

What is the hard disk?

Types of hard disk

Hard disk hardware components

Hard disk components of the motherboard

Explain the difference between HDD, SSD and SSHD

1- What is a hard disk:

The hard disk is the basic storage unit in a computer and its primary function is to store data, for example we mention the operating system, its accompanying applications and other programs. In addition to, of course, the user's personal data. More precisely, the hard disk drive is the main data storage device in the computer, and that is permanently and not temporarily like RAM or the so-called random access memory. The hard disk is used to store and retrieve digital data from disks that have a very high rotation speed. These disks are magnetic. The hard disk head, which is characterized as an electromagnetic pickup, reads or writes the data on the magnetic surface of the magnetic disks. It is worth noting that what distinguishes each hard disk from another is: the storage capacity, which is measured in gigabytes (GB), and the rotation speed of the magnetic disks inside it.

2- Hard disk types in general:

It should be noted that there are three main types of hard drives, which I will arrange from foot to latest, and they are:

1-SCSI Hard Disk is an acronym for Small Computer System Interface

2-Hard Disk IDE is an abbreviation for Integrated Development Environment

3-SATA hard disk is an abbreviation for Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

3- The hardware components of the hard disk:

Of course, the hard disk consists of magnetic disks so that data can be stored on their surface in the form of electrical charges. These discs are installed and stacked on top of each other in a very regular manner and are penetrated by a common axis revolving around it, in addition to the disks, we find shields for carrying the writing and reading heads, these heads are double and be on both sides of the magnetic disk so that the data on it is stored and read smoothly.

Magnetic discs:

Its shape is just like a CD-ROM, but with a slightly smaller size, in addition to the difference in the manufacturing material, so that the hard disk is made of aluminum or glass ceramic, the latter is better than aluminum due to the durability conditions that characterize it, especially if it is related to temperature.

Magnetic drive:

Like any electronic drive, the hard disk's magnetic drive is a drive that moves the magnetic disks at a specific speed measured by RPM short for Round Per Minute, which means the number of revolutions per minute, knowing that the rotation speed of these discs may reach 9600 revolutions per minute or more. Depending on the type of hard disk, the speed of modern hard drives may exceed 9000 rpm, unlike old hard drives, which often have speeds between 5000 and 6400 rpm. It should be noted that the faster the motor rotation rate, the better, because the time for data acquisition will be shorter.

Headers for reading and writing:

As I said above, on each side of the magnetic disk there is a head for reading and the other for writing, and therefore if a particular Hardisk contains, for example, 3 discs, this requires it to have 6 heads for reading and writing. And so on ..

Hard Disk Motherboard:

It is just like the motherboard for a computer, except that it is miniature to cope with the size of the hard disk and its main task is to control the flow of data from the RAM to the magnetic disks in order to store or restore them, in addition to that, it controls the rotation of the disks and the movement of the reading and writing heads.

4- The components of the hard disk motherboard:

What is hard disk?

Hard disk components

Processor or CPU:

When we talk about the processor, we are talking about data processing and about performing a complex calculation at a very short speed. So the work of the processor on the motherboard of the hard disk is exactly the same as the work of the CPU on the board of the computer. To distinguish the processor on the motherboard of the hard disk is very simple. It suffices to look at the largest electronic chip in terms of size on the motherboard, that is the processor. And the picture above shows that

Random access memory or RAM:

The RAM is a complex and complex electronic chip that stores data randomly, quickly and at a very high frequency, knowing that this storage is temporary and not final storage, and this is due to the fact that this type of RAM is or that the expression is called types of memories that continuously need to be powered by any current Electrocardiogram to preserve the data you carry. Mostly CPU sockets are rectangular in shape.

AISI Hard Disk Software:

This Essie, my dear, works perfectly as the BIOS that you know, which is located on the computer motherboard, and of course its work lies in conducting the so-called Power On Self Test for the hard disk. And of course, Kai Easy Software, without it, the hard disk will not work, and it is often the cause of damage to the motherboard hard disk It is just like the 8-legged mosfet. See the image above

5- Explain the difference between HDD, SSD and SSHD:

As you know, dear friends, the world of technology, especially the technical and informational part, knows an unimaginable rapid development, so that every time you hear a new developed product that compensates for the old limited in terms of its characteristics and features, as an example of that hard disk or what is known as the hard disk, which he knew is also a semi-small development. What we will get to know is this paragraph, God willing.

There are three types of storage disks, which are very common today:

- HDD is the most common type of its large capacity, and other things we will learn about in the next paragraphs.

The hard disk is of the type of SSD and its qualitative translation is the solid state disk known for its great speed in addition to other advantages that we will learn about.

 - SSHD hard disk, this type of hard disk is called Hybrid, so called because it combines the advantages of the HDD and the SSD together.

 Details and features of each type

The first type: HDD is short for Hard Disk Drive


HDD hard disk

It is one of the most widespread hard drives in computers and other devices, an example is the DVR for cameras and other other devices. All this because it is cheaper in terms of its price in addition to its capacity that may theoretically exceed 4,096,000 gigabytes, equivalent to 4 terabytes (Hardisk 4 TB), and this is what made it more popular and used by computer users despite the release of the most advanced SSD.


Available in several types, IDE, S-ATA, and SCSI drives.

The large storage space that may exceed 4 TB.

- Its price is not exorbitant compared to its SSD counterpart.

- Life span is ok.

Its disadvantages:

Great consumption of energy, due to the presence of the magnetic disk drive.

The presence of a large rotational movement that affects its components and life span.

The issuance of a voice ticked at times, especially if it was old.

- He does not bear the large movement that this may lead to his suspension and thus the computer's work stops.

- Very sensitive to dirt and dust.

- Its weight is heavy compared to its SSD counterpart

The second type: SSD is short for Solid State Drive


SSD hard disk

Solid State Drive hard disk is widely used with new generation laptops, which are distinguished by their lightness and unique design, so that you can find them in the Slim type. Among the features of the SSD is its high price compared to the HDD, and it is not available in large areas.


Not consuming much energy.

Longer life span.

- Very large durability because it does not have moving parts.

Its working speed is great compared to its HDD counterpart, and this makes the computer boot faster.

- Absence of ticking and sound resulting from mechanical parts while working.

Withstand movement, vibrations and temperature.

Its disadvantages:

- Its high price.

Capacity or small space.

The second type: SSHD is short for Solid State Hybrid Drive.

The birth of this type of hard disk came to address the differences or the defects in both the HDD and SSD, so that the advantages of the two types were merged together to become an advanced hard disk with better features.

Hybrid or hybrid technology for the SSHD is reflected in the integration of the metal disks that distinguish the HDD hard disk with the electronic chips that distinguish the SSD hard disk and thus build a new hard disk that combines the advantage of the large storage space provided by the HDD technology as well as the speed of the boot and data transfer of the disk SSD steel is what makes it an ideal hard disk. Question: How does SSHD work ??

We said that this type of hard disk, which we described as hybrid, has combined two important features, namely the large capacity and the speed of take-off and the transfer of large data, and therefore the way it works is as follows: It saves the system files necessary to take off, as well as all the accompanying applications in the electronic chips that make it so that it works The operating system needs to bring them from the chips instead of the metal discs that take a long time, in other words, the processor will deal with the system files and boot saved on its electronic chips at the same speed as the SSD disks, while the Windows operating system does not resort to metal disks that have a lower speed except in Only rare times for it to call up certain data unrelated to takeoff and computer speed. And for reference only, as soon as you request that data from the metal disk, the Windows system will transfer it to the chips and save them there in order to deal with them at the speed provided by the electronic chips.

Thus, dear friends, we have reached the end of this article, which I really hope you like it. In conclusion, let us ask some open questions that will be the content of our next topic, which I will raise after hours from now until the hard disk study is completed from all sides.

What is hdd regenerator?

Why does the external hard disk not work and beep?

And when the external hard drive does not appear after connecting it to the computer?

What is the best external hard disk?

What is the best hard disk repair program?

How do I retrieve deleted pictures?

What is the best program to recover deleted files?

How do I recover deleted video without software? And other questions related to maintenance.