The MQ4 Methane Gas Detector | Electronics Component

MQ4 Methane Gas Detector

MQ4 methane gas detector is widely used to detect gas leakage in home or in diligence such as methane (CH4) and CNG gas. This gas detector responds largely in a very short time, so it depends on the conditions of perception; It can be acclimatized through the potentiometer. This is an analog relationship detector, used as the CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) detector within the MQ series of detectors.

So this detector is suitable for detecting the attention of natural gas such as methane in the air. For this detector, if the gas attention is increased, the relationship voltage will also be increased. This detector operates at 5V DC and consumes around 750MW. This configuration discusses an overview of the MQ4 methane gas detector and its work with operations.

What is the MQ4 methane gas sensor?

The MQ4 methane gas detector is a MOS (core oxide semiconductor) type detector, which is used to indicate methane gas attention within the air in the home or diligence and generates a relationship like analog voltage by reading it. Next, the attentional range of vision is in the range of 300 m-ppm which is true for leak detection.

This gas detector largely includes a detection element such as ceramic grounded on aluminum oxide (Al ₂ O ₃), carpeted with cylinder dioxide (SnO2) and arranged within an original sword grille.

MQ4 methane gas detector

When the methane gas and the detection grounds come into contact with each other, the resistance of the detection element will be changed. Next, the change is measured to get the attention of the methane gas. The ignition of methane is extremely hot, which means that it generates a huge amount of heat once it is burned.

leg composition

The leg configuration of the MQ4 methane gas detector is shown below. This detector has three legs bound below.

MQ4 methane detector base configuration

Pin1 (H Legs) These legs are two where one is used to deliver force and the remaining leg is connected to the ground

Pin2 (A Legs) Both legs like A & B are replaceable which will be connected to the supply voltage.

Pin3 (B Legs) A & B legs are interchangeable where one leg acts like a hanger and the other leg is pulled to the outer GND terminal.

The leg configuration of the MQ-4 Methane Detector Module includes four legs that are restricted below.

VCC stem This leg provides unit voltage and the typical operating voltage is 5V

GND Leg This leg is used to connect the detector unit to the external GND terminal of the system

DO (Digital Out) Leg This leg provides a numerical relationship by setting a threshold value with the help of a potentiometer

AO (Analog Output) This leg provides an analog relation voltage from 0 to 5 volts depending on the intensity of the gas.

MQ4 methane gas detector Features and Specifications

Features and specifications of the MQ4 methane gas detector include the following.

Good perception of burning gas in a wide range

Sensitivity to natural gas and methane

Lack of awareness of the bank and alcohol

Fast response, long life and stable

Simple driving circuit

Cargo resistance 20KΩ

Resistance detection ranges from 10KΩ to 60KΩ

Preheating time is more than 24 hours

The required voltage is 5V

DO Affair is 0.1 to 5V

AO relationship is 0.1 to 0.3 eV

Detection of methane or natural gas

The detection interest ranges from 200 to 10,000 ppm

TTL compliant input and affairs interface

Heater application as low as 750mW

Operating temperature ranges from 14 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 to 50 degrees Celsius

The original MQ-4 detectors are the MQ 214, MQ306A, MQ-5, MQ306A and MQ-2. The indispensable MQ gas detectors are MQ2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 214, 216, 303A, 306A, 307A and 309A.

For MQ4 methane gas detector, the resistance value is different for different types of feasts. So the adaptation of perception is really necessary while using this detector. It is suggested to acclimatize the methane detector attention in air (5000 ppm) and use a charge resistance of about 20 kOhm.

How to use the MQ4 methane gas sensor?

The MQ4 gas detector is simply used to remove gas with an analog stem or a digital stem. Once you turn on the 5V detector unit, it also starts detecting methane. Once also detected, the LED will start to glow or else the LED will turn off.

Before working with these gas detectors, we have to determine the preheating time before you can work with them. Now, bring the detector to the methane gas and note that the voltage around the special LED will be as high as 5V, so the LED will be on or else it will be off, so the voltage will be as low as 0V. Also, the analog leg can also be used to detect methane.

The interface of the MQ4 methane detector circuit using the Arduino is shown below. This circuit uses various equipment such as the breadboard, the MQ-4 gas detector, and the Arduino Uno board. The main purpose of this department is to participate